LIVE SCHEDULE@神戸元町汎芽舎(hangesha record store)/2019/03/30(sat)hangesha instore event
hangesha instore event .. 2019.0330.sat 20:00 Start ..¥1200+1D Live // Bonnounomukuro,Manisdron, DJ // Koji Sawamura
宣伝動画↑ Promoted video
1月に岡山に呼んで頂いたバンド NOUPのドラム担当岡田さんのソロ名義 Manisdron
とDJでKoji Sawamuraさん と共にお送り致します。2人とも楽しみです〜
The solo name of Mr. Okada of drum for the band NOUP who I called Okayama in January Name of Manisdron I will send you with DJ Koji Sawamura. Both of us are looking forward ~ Thank you~ This one plan is scheduled for March. I am making some short songs etc.